Dry Rot Hemlock
This bowl is a local dry rot Hemlock burl. It weights very little.

Western Red Cedar Ring Bowl
Salvaged Western Red Cedar burl ring or trinket bowl.

Fir Earing Dish
This was a trial sample Fir burl, from a local logger. He wanted to see how small of a burl can be turned into art. He is currently searching for more.
Fir Ring Bowl

This bowl was 4 inches across and was from a local to Black Creek Fir tree.
Yellow Cedar Salad Bowl

This is a Yellow Cedar salad bowl. It was spun by a friend of mine with my help. It was a 3" tall and 14" across and it was finished with food safe beeswax and natural mineral oil.
Birds Eye Yellow Cedar Jewlery Container

This case speaks for itself its natural beauty takes over and leaves one speachless, or so it did for the buyer. It has been finished with an all natural beeswax finish polished to a shine.

Yellow Birds Eye Cedar Bread Board
Yellow Birds Eye Cedar Bread Board. This piece was harvested over 30+ years ago and also had pitch still trapped inside. More available upon request. It has been polished with a foodsafe all natural beeswax finish.
Black Poplar Shot Glass

This shot glass was made from a Black Poplar nugget off a burl, custom fashioned to fit this generic shot glass. This piece was made without the shot glass at the time. It came with a special tone and that’s how I managed to create it, the wood spoke to me on its own for sure.
Yellow Cedar Jewlery Container

This yellow cedar jewlery container measures 3.5 inches tall by 3.5 inches across. It has been finished with an all natural beeswax finish and polished to a shine.